Preschool Learning Binder
Toddler Activities for 3-5 Year Olds
The Preschool Learning Binder started years ago when my daughter was two years old and started having interest in learning colors, numbers, shapes and letters. What started as a “let me make a couple fun activities to keep together to practice” turned into this huge binder full of activities!
This preschool and toddler learning binder is great for so much learning fun! There are alphabet activities, number and counting activities, shapes and colors activities, patterns and matching activities and rhyming and letter sounds, plus so much more! This binder can be used in your home for “morning work” or homeschooling with preschool skills. It can also be used in a classroom for one on one activities or independent choice activities for kids.
You can also use this binder full of preschool activities as an assessment tool to see what areas your child excels and what areas need more practice.
The preschool learning binder becomes and “instant” tool for learning because materials are printable and can be downloaded and implemented and played with immediately!
I also love using this binder as I speak Chinese (or you can use any target language) to practice shapes, colors, numbers and clothing in Chinese as well!
Here is a Youtube video explaining how I use many of the pages of the learning binder. There are also many other pages and activities included that are not shown in the video. There are 99 pages in all!
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What is included in the Learning Binder?
Nearly 100 pages of learning activities!
- Cover Page and Math, Science, Literacy Section title Pages
- Letter Pages
- Letter Tracing Pages
- Number Pages 1-10 and 1-20
- 3 Different color matching pages
- Matching Bugs
- Matching Fish
- Matching Birds
- Matching Emotions
- Cause & Effects/Sequencing Practice
- Planet Size sort and Match
- Dinosaur match to shadows
- Count and Identify numbers 1-12
- Counting and 1 to 1 Correspondence
- ABAB Patterns
- Identify and Match Body Parts
- Seasonal Clothing Dress Up
- Fruit Matching
- Shape Matching
- Counting Fingers
- Counting Apples on Dice
- Matching 10 Frames
- Matching Shadows to Pictures
- Beginning Sound Sorting A-Z
- Coin Matching
- Rhyming Sorting
How to Set Up Your Preschool Binder
The materials needed to set up your daily learning binder for preschoolers and toddlers are:
- PDF File of Learning Games
- Three-Ring Binder
- Three Ring Hole Punch
- Velcro Dots
- Lamination or Page Protectors
- Fun Manipulatives (such as pom poms, mini erasers, etc.)
- Once you have the PDF file of activities, look through and see which games or activities you’d like to start playing. Print the pages. I recommend HP Instant ink if you like printing lots of pages in color. It has saved me LOADS of money on ink. Here is a link for a free month of printing!
- Laminate or place learning activities inside page protectors. Cut out the correlating shapes/pieces that accompany some activites.
- Add velcro dots to pieces that match. Above there are two options for velcro dots – there are clear ones that are more pricey but are invisible so you can see any pictures underneath them. (These). There are also ones that are much less expensive but are white, so you can see them in the binder. (These).
- Hole punch the pages or place the laminator sheets inside the binder.
- Set up a time and a target learning activity for your child or student! Also, I recommend leaving the binder in a place the child can see it, because sometimes they will want to play with it “just because” and you never want to miss an authentic learning opportunity!
Intended Age Range
As I mentioned earlier, I started making these preschool activities when my daughter was only two years old, because she had the interest and desire to do things like this. We also started with visual discrimination activities such as matching colors shapes and animals.
However, this binder definitely has a progression and room for growth. It does have colors and matching and shapes, but it also has letters, counting, beginning sounds and even rhyming words that my daughter loved when she was 4 and 5 years old because she started being able to hear rhymes and then read the simple CVC words.
Download Your Preschool Learning Binder
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